Large Hanging Frame - Choice of Artwork

Large Hanging Frame - Choice of Artwork


CHOOSE your favourite piece of artwork from my ‘Hope is a Wrestle’ Collection - Speaking a truer story through art and dance of fighting for hope and freedom

An Art Print (10x8” size) of the original new artwork, created with chalk pastels, blush ink and a lot of heart! Looks absolutely stunning in this large black hanging frame with black chain. All you need to do is hang it, making it the perfect gift for a friend or for yourself!

Includes piece of poetry written alongside the artwork (see below)

Segment of written piece that accompanies the artwork ‘Free Again’
‘And so the floating, graceful ballerina emerges
Freedom incarnated
Spirit filled.
This battle won
ground gained
and hope
well, hope wrestled through
She is taking up all her space
Settled in who and who’s she is
Identity sealed.’

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Postured Framed Print

‘Hope is a Wrestle’              

Bundle Deal 
6th Print FREE B4E137F6-9A8F-49EE-982A-AECB4F14AFF5.jpeg

‘Hope is a Wrestle’ Bundle Deal 6th Print FREE

from £44.95
‘Free Again’ Framed Prints DAD19569-6724-437D-AD5E-DF87518DF0FF.jpeg
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‘Free Again’ Framed Prints

from £24.99
‘Hope is a Battleground’ Framed Prints A6D4AE47-24D6-4ECF-9CB2-FF5700BA6395.jpeg
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‘Hope is a Battleground’ Framed Prints

from £24.99
‘One Voice’ Framed Prints FC0B49C9-FA80-433C-8C97-6F1D2883F769.jpeg
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‘One Voice’ Framed Prints

from £24.99